This is the starting point of converting the BioPal into self-consistent "APPs": a class called AboveGroundBiomass is the main APP that calls in sequence the two steps in which the AGB processor has been divided: StackBasedProcessing class APP + AGBCoreProcessing class APP. Their code can be found into module.
The code inside the above classes run methods has not been modified (exception made for some more PEP8 style change), so the code and the processing algorithm is unchanged, same results.
This is the starting point of converting the BioPal into self-consistent "APPs": a class called AboveGroundBiomass is the main APP that calls in sequence the two steps in which the AGB processor has been divided: StackBasedProcessing class APP + AGBCoreProcessing class APP. Their code can be found into module.
The code inside the above classes run methods has not been modified (exception made for some more PEP8 style change), so the code and the processing algorithm is unchanged, same results.