BioPhoton / angular-star-rating

Star Rating Angular Component written in typescript, based on css only techniques.
MIT License
217 stars 86 forks source link

Contextualize CSS #74

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

I'm submitting a...

[ ] Bug report
[x] Feature request

Current behavior

This module is wrapping style to global scope, exactly as css-star-rating does.

Globally appended classes: .rating, .star, .star-container, .center-all, .label-value.

Expected behavior

However, angular introduced a very good practice that scope style to a component.

It would be great (to import) to attach SCSS styles to the component but not as global.

A very quick fix is to surround by the angular component name:

star-rating-comp {
  @import "~css-star-rating/dist/scss/star-rating.scss";

Probably the better way should be attaching the css-star-rating's style sheet to the ngComponent.

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions

For instance, use <div class="label-value">...</div> anywhere in your application.


Library version: 3.0.8
Angular version: 5.2.7


- [x] all
VivekIshir commented 6 years ago

HI i m seeing only one file inside the assets\images, document saying to import the "star-rating.scss" Its looking star-rating.scss is missing ? Anybody please help, i m using npm install angular-star-rating --save image

felipefialho commented 6 years ago

I agree with @avBerenger, leak of styles is a big problem of CSS and we can to benefit of Angular scope.

I can help if you want to move on.

BioPhoton commented 6 years ago

Hi @LFeh,

I would really appreciate your help!!

Regarding prefixes for css classes I already opened an issues:

Let's continue there.

Best, Michael

felipefialho commented 6 years ago

My propose is add the BioPhoton/css-star-rating as a dependencie of angular-star-rating and isolate it inside Angular.

So, we can also provide a option using Input() to enable or disable the default CSS.

Do you agree?