BioPhoton / ionic1-star-rating

Ionic1 Star Rating is a Ionic specific Angular1.6 component written in typescript. It is based on css-star-rating, a fully featured and customizable css only star rating component written in scss.
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link

Functions not bindable #5

Closed eronskhan closed 7 years ago

eronskhan commented 7 years ago

Currently using ionic1-star-rating in a ionic1 javascript project and I cannot seem to get any of my custom functions to work with the component. By custom functions, I mean functions passed to any of the following properties; getColor / getHalfStarVisible / onClick / onRatingChange / onHover

Closing this as I discovered a hole in my testsuite.

BioPhoton commented 7 years ago

Hi. Nice that you were able to solve it.

The custom functions should be tested in angular 1-star-rating which this lib extends from.

If I could improve the docs just give me the right hint.