BioPhoton / ionic1-star-rating

Ionic1 Star Rating is a Ionic specific Angular1.6 component written in typescript. It is based on css-star-rating, a fully featured and customizable css only star rating component written in scss.
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link

Rating doesn't work with template tags #6

Open cwolff411 opened 6 years ago

cwolff411 commented 6 years ago

When I add the rating manually to the directive everything works fine.

If I try and add it as a template tag nothing registers and the stars do not fill.

i.e. <star-rating-comp show-half-stars="true" label-text="'Our Rating:'" label-position="'left'" color="'ok'" read-only="true" rating="'{{idea.rating}}'"></star-rating-comp>

Also having trouble changing the color. Any thoughts?

divinzer commented 6 years ago

This project is not work and not mantained anymore. Don't waste your time.

cwolff411 commented 6 years ago

Yea I think I gave up after only a few minutes trying this one. I ended up using something else.