BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup / BLocS

BioSTEAM Location-Specific Evaluation
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Corn biorefinery parameters #3

Closed daltonwstewart closed 2 years ago

daltonwstewart commented 2 years ago

One last issue today,

We talked about which uncertain parameters to include for each biorefinery, and 2 we mentioned for the corn biorefinery were the boiler/turbogenerator efficiency and the fermentation efficiency.

I know that the corn biorefinery is a net consumer of electricity, so I think we can ignore the BT efficiency since electricity generation will occur outside the biorefinery. (it doesn't even seem like there is a BT object for the biorefinery?)

I looked into changing the fermentation efficiency, but it looks like the corn biorefinery is set up a little differently than the other two. I found Saccharification and Liquefaction objects (?), but I'm not sure how to call the efficiency to vary as a parameter. If you think it's worth it, can we adjust these objects so we can vary the efficiency? Let me know what you think, thanks!

yoelcortes commented 2 years ago

Hi Dalton,

The efficiency for Liquefaction and Fermentor objects are available in their reaction attribute as Reaction objects.

You can change the efficiency by <Unit>.reaction.X = efficiency.

Hope this helps! Thanks,

daltonwstewart commented 2 years ago

Got it! Thanks, Yoel!