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Consultation about how to find the characterisation factor #109

Closed zasddsgg closed 3 months ago

zasddsgg commented 3 months ago

a) Hello, after viewing the source code (, the characteristic factors in BioSTEAM seem to come from the GREET database and Ecoinvent database. However, after checking the related websites, I do not know how the characteristic factors in the source code are obtained from the GREET database and Ecoinvent database. Could I trouble you give an example of how to find a certain characterisation factor in the GREET database and Ecoinvent database?

b) In addition, do I need to manually search the characterisation factors from the GREET database and Ecoinvent database when executing LCA in BioSTEAM? How to check the characterisation factors from the GREET database and Ecoinvent database for other environmental impact types besides GWP, such as eutrophication and acidification?

c) In addition, if the GREET database and the ecoinvent database both have the desired characterisation factors, could I consult you which one should prevail?

zasddsgg commented 3 months ago

For paper “Sustainable Lactic Acid Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass”, may I ask you some questions? Thanks for your help.

a) Does the characteristic factors (CF) in the code ( include the transportation of the chemicals used in the process, i.e. from the place where the chemicals are purchased to the biorefinery gate?

b) Is the CF in BioSTEAM the cradle to the gate? Because I searched the characteristic factors of methane and ethanol in Simapro, and selected CML method, LCA boundary only included methane and ethanol production (excluding transportation to biorerefinery gate). The Ethanol-RER(Europe) GWP has a CF of 1.19 CO2/kg, and the Ethanol-Row(Rest of world) GWP has a CF of 1.23, compared to 1.44 in the code ( The CF of GWP of methane- Europe and methane- Row(Rest of world) is 0.0296 CO2/MJ, while that of BioSTEAM is 0.40. Therefore, I would like to consult you how do you get the CF in BioSTEAM from the GREET or ecoinvent database? Is the process cradle to gate? Because the characterization factor is important, even if the characterization factor difference is a little, the final LCA results will vary greatly due to the large difference in the mass flow rate of the substance.

c) Is the LCA boundary for BioSTEAM cradle to gate, i.e. does it include the transportation of chemicals from the place of purchase to the biorefinery gate?

zasddsgg commented 3 months ago

Besides, may I ask if the BioSTEAM platform will automatically extract the characteristic factors from Ecoinvent database and execute LCA like BioSTEAM-LCA in the future, or do we always need to manually input the characteristic factors in the future?

yalinli2 commented 3 months ago

@zasddsgg To you questions in general, seems like you are not familiar with LCA, I suggest you take courses for ask colleagues/advisors for resources or read more papers/books.

On the CFs, if I remembered correctly, we used market activities, which means transportation is included.

I don't think there are general rules on what CFs are there, contributors made their own decisions on the system boundary. ecoinvent and GREET have regular updates and there are many different LCIA methods and system models. So it's very possible that values don't match, you should update the values with ones that you feel comfortable with.

The system boundary is not decided by BioSTEAM, is decided by the user and the inventory they compiled.

BioSTEAM currently does not support direct CF extraction from ecoinvent, for that capacity, check Brightway.

zasddsgg commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your suggestions and answers, so now executing LCA through BioSTEAM requires the user to input the characterization factor, and then BioSTEAM can execute LCA, is it right?

zasddsgg commented 3 months ago

In addition, may I ask you if BioSTEAM plans to add the ability to automatically extract CF from the GREET and Ecoinvent database in the future, as it is a little inconvenient to input CF manually now.

yalinli2 commented 3 months ago

I don't think adding that capacity is our priority, but you are welcome to contribute. It's not that "now executing LCA through BioSTEAM requires...", it always requires, and (personally) I think it's always good practice to understand the data source and use your own data.

zasddsgg commented 3 months ago

For "It's not that "now executing LCA through BioSTEAM requires...", it always requires", I don't quite understand. Is there a case where BioSTEAM can execute LCA without inputing CF by users?

yalinli2 commented 3 months ago

For biorefineries like the lactic acid one, there are default CFs added.

zasddsgg commented 3 months ago

Does “there are default CFs added” refer to the CF in If chemical was not found in, it requires the user to input CF manually, is it right. Or if I want to modify the CF in, can I modify that. If so, how can I modify that.

yalinli2 commented 3 months ago

Does “there are default CFs added” refer to the CF in


If chemical was not found in, it requires the user to input CF manually, is it right.


Or if I want to modify the CF in, can I modify that. If so, how can I modify that.

See docs:

zasddsgg commented 3 months ago

I got it. Thanks for your help again.