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Consultation about SSCF calling #132

Open zasddsgg opened 1 month ago

zasddsgg commented 1 month ago

a) Hello, when I try to call SSCF, I will encounter the following error, could I ask you how to solve it? There is no error when calling kind= "SCF" or kind= "IB".

The code is as follows.

from biorefineries import cellulosic
import biosteam as bst
cs = cellulosic.Biorefinery('corn stover ethanol')
chemicals = cs.chemicals 
Feedstock = bst.Stream(
fermentation_sys = cellulosic.create_cellulosic_fermentation_system(

The error information is as follows.

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 17
      7 bst.settings.set_thermo(chemicals)
      9 Feedstock = bst.Stream(
     10     ID='Feedstock',
     11     price=0.0516, 
     14     Glucose=1,
     15 )
---> 17 fermentation_sys = cellulosic.create_cellulosic_fermentation_system(
     18         ins=Feedstock,
     19         mockup=True,
     20         kind="SSCF"
     21     )

File D:\anaconda\envs\zddd\lib\site-packages\biosteam\process_tools\, in SystemFactory.__call__(self, ID, ins, outs, mockup, area, udct, autorename, operating_hours, lang_factor, algorithm, method, maxiter, molar_tolerance, relative_molar_tolerance, temperature_tolerance, relative_temperature_tolerance, **kwargs)
    243 rename = area is not None
    244 options = dict(
    245     ID=ID or self.ID,
    246     operating_hours=operating_hours,
    252     relative_temperature_tolerance=relative_temperature_tolerance,
    253 )
--> 254 with (bst.MockSystem() if mockup else bst.System(**options)) as system:
    255     if rename: 
    256         unit_registry = system.flowsheet.unit

File D:\anaconda\envs\zddd\lib\site-packages\biosteam\, in MockSystem.__exit__(self, type, exception, traceback)
    555 dump = unit_registry.close_context_level()
    556 self.units = dump
--> 557 if exception: raise exception

File D:\anaconda\envs\zddd\lib\site-packages\biosteam\process_tools\, in SystemFactory.__call__(self, ID, ins, outs, mockup, area, udct, autorename, operating_hours, lang_factor, algorithm, method, maxiter, molar_tolerance, relative_molar_tolerance, temperature_tolerance, relative_temperature_tolerance, **kwargs)
    257         irrelevant_units = tuple(unit_registry)
    258         unit_registry.untrack(irrelevant_units)
--> 259     self.f(ins, outs, **kwargs)
    260 system.load_inlet_ports(ins, {k: i for i, j in enumerate(self.ins) if (k:=get_name(j)) is not None})
    261 system.load_outlet_ports(outs, {k: i for i, j in enumerate(self.outs) if (k:=get_name(j)) is not None})

File D:\anaconda\envs\zddd\lib\site-packages\biorefineries\cellulosic\systems\fermentation\, in create_cellulosic_fermentation_system(ins, outs, include_scrubber, solids_loading, insoluble_solids_loading, nonsolids, insoluble_solids, kind, Saccharification, ContinuousPresaccharification, SeedTrain, CoFermentation, SaccharificationAndCoFermentation, saccharification_reactions, seed_train_reactions, cofermentation_reactions, add_nutrients)
    236 elif kind in ('SSCF', 'Simultaneous Saccharification and Co-Fermentation'):
    237     outs.remove(lignin)
--> 238     create_simultaneous_saccharification_and_cofermentation_system(
    239         ins=[saccharification_sys-0, DAP, CSL],
    240         outs=[vent, beer],
    241         mockup=True,
    242         include_scrubber=include_scrubber,
    243         seed_train_reactions=seed_train_reactions,
    244         cofermentation_reactions=cofermentation_reactions,
    245         add_nutrients=add_nutrients,
    246     )
    247 elif kind in SCF_keys:
    248     T303 = bst.StorageTank('T303', saccharification_sys-0, tau=4)

File D:\anaconda\envs\zddd\lib\site-packages\biosteam\process_tools\, in SystemFactory.__call__(self, ID, ins, outs, mockup, area, udct, autorename, operating_hours, lang_factor, algorithm, method, maxiter, molar_tolerance, relative_molar_tolerance, temperature_tolerance, relative_temperature_tolerance, **kwargs)
    243 rename = area is not None
    244 options = dict(
    245     ID=ID or self.ID,
    246     operating_hours=operating_hours,
    252     relative_temperature_tolerance=relative_temperature_tolerance,
    253 )
--> 254 with (bst.MockSystem() if mockup else bst.System(**options)) as system:
    255     if rename: 
    256         unit_registry = system.flowsheet.unit

File D:\anaconda\envs\zddd\lib\site-packages\biosteam\, in MockSystem.__exit__(self, type, exception, traceback)
    555 dump = unit_registry.close_context_level()
    556 self.units = dump
--> 557 if exception: raise exception

File D:\anaconda\envs\zddd\lib\site-packages\biosteam\process_tools\, in SystemFactory.__call__(self, ID, ins, outs, mockup, area, udct, autorename, operating_hours, lang_factor, algorithm, method, maxiter, molar_tolerance, relative_molar_tolerance, temperature_tolerance, relative_temperature_tolerance, **kwargs)
    257         irrelevant_units = tuple(unit_registry)
    258         unit_registry.untrack(irrelevant_units)
--> 259     self.f(ins, outs, **kwargs)
    260 system.load_inlet_ports(ins, {k: i for i, j in enumerate(self.ins) if (k:=get_name(j)) is not None})
    261 system.load_outlet_ports(outs, {k: i for i, j in enumerate(self.outs) if (k:=get_name(j)) is not None})

TypeError: create_simultaneous_saccharification_and_cofermentation_system() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cofermentation_reactions'

b) Could I ask you what is the difference betweem mockup=True and mockup=False when calling above fermentation_sys, does mockup=True or mockup=False make any difference to the result (simulation result, TEA result, LCA result).

c) In addition, could I ask you what is the difference between SaccharificationAndCoFermentation ( and SimultaneousSaccharificationAndCoFermentation ( It seems that both units are Saccharification and CoFermentation occurring simultaneously.

Thanks for your help. Wish you a good day.