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Consultation about HP model errors #154

Open zasddsgg opened 4 days ago

zasddsgg commented 4 days ago

Hello, I have installed biorefineries, biosteam and thermosteam according to the URL you recommended (download with git clone, git clone, git clone, install with pip install .). However, when running the file (, I still encounter the following error, could I ask you how to solve it @sarangbhagwat? I use python 3.10.9 version. Thanks for your help. Wish you a good day. The location I download is as follows. 1 2 3

The error information is as follows.

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 11
      9 from warnings import filterwarnings
     10 import copy
---> 11 from biosteam.process_tools import UnitGroup
     12 from biosteam.digraph import digraph_from_units, save_digraph
     13 from biosteam.utils import streams_from_units, filter_out_missing_streams, colors

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\biosteam\
     71 from . import wastewater
     72 from .wastewater import *
---> 73 from . import evaluation
     74 from .evaluation import *
     75 from . import exceptions

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\biosteam\evaluation\
     12 from ._parameter import *
     13 from ._prediction import *
---> 14 from ._model import *
     15 from ._metric import *
     16 from . import (_parameter, _prediction, _model,
     17               _metric, evaluation_tools, _feature,
     18               _utils)

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\biosteam\evaluation\
     25 from typing import Callable
     26 from ._parameter import Parameter
---> 27 from .evaluation_tools import load_default_parameters
     28 import pickle
     30 __all__ = ('Model',)

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\biosteam\evaluation\evaluation_tools\
      1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      2 # BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
      3 # Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
      6 #
      7 # for license details.
      8 """
      9 """
---> 10 from . import parameter
     11 from . import in_parallel
     13 __all__ = (*parameter.__all__,
     14            *in_parallel.__all__)

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\biosteam\evaluation\evaluation_tools\
      1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      2 # BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
      3 # Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
      6 #
      7 # for license details.
      8 """
      9 """
---> 10 from chaospy import distributions as shape
     11 import biosteam as bst
     13 __all__ = ('load_default_parameters',
     14            'add_all_cost_item_params',
     15            'add_flow_rate_param',
     20            'triang',
     21            'bounded_triang',)

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\chaospy\
      8 import os
      9 import importlib_metadata
---> 11 from numpoly import *
     13 import chaospy.descriptives
     14 import chaospy.distributions

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\numpoly\
     20 from .construct import (
     21     polynomial,
     22     aspolynomial,
     30     variable,
     31 )
     32 from .sympy_ import to_sympy
---> 34 from .array_function import *
     35 from .poly_function import *
     36 from .utils import (
     37     bindex,
     38     cross_truncate,
     39     glexindex,
     40     glexsort,
     41 )

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\numpoly\array_function\
     68 from .positive import positive
     69 from .power import power
---> 70 from .prod import prod
     71 from .remainder import remainder as mod, remainder
     72 from .repeat import repeat

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\numpoly\array_function\
      9 from ..baseclass import ndpoly, PolyLike
     10 from ..dispatch import implements
---> 13 @implements(, numpy.product)
     14 def prod(
     15     a: PolyLike,
     16     axis: Union[None, int, Sequence[int]] = None,
     17     dtype: Optional[numpy.typing.DTypeLike] = None,
     18     out: Optional[ndpoly] = None,
     19     keepdims: bool = False,
     20     **kwargs: Any,
     21 ) -> ndpoly:
     22     """
     23     Return the product of array elements over a given axis.
     75     """
     76     a = numpoly.aspolynomial(a)

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\numpy\, in __getattr__(attr)
    421     import numpy.char as char
    422     return char.chararray
--> 424 raise AttributeError("module {!r} has no attribute "
    425                      "{!r}".format(__name__, attr))

AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'product'
yoelcortes commented 4 days ago

@zasddsgg, downgrade your numpy version to lower than version 2.0. I'll get back to answering your most pressing questions at the end of the week.


zasddsgg commented 4 days ago

Thanks for your suggestion. I'll give it a try.

zasddsgg commented 4 days ago

HXN error will still report.

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\thermosteam\utils\, in Registry.__getattr__(self, ID)
     84 try:
---> 85     return[ID]
     86 except KeyError:

KeyError: 'HXN'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 20
     17 from biosteam.utils import colors
     18 from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator as AML
---> 20 import biorefineries.HP.analyses.models as HP_models
     23 # # Comment this out to run feedstock sugar content-price analysis
     24 # from biorefineries.HP.system_sugarcane import (
     25 #     HP_sys, HP_tea, R302, spec, get_GWP, get_ng_GWP, get_FEC, get_SPED,
     29 # Comment this out to run titer-yield-productivity or feedstock carbohydrate content-price analysis
     30 from biorefineries.HP.system_light_lle_vacuum_distillation import (
     31     HP_sys, HP_tea, HP_lca, R302, spec, get_AA_MPSP,
     32     AA as product
     33 )

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\biorefineries\HP\analyses\
     46 HP_sys = find.system.HP_sys
     47 BT_sys = find.system.BT_sys
---> 48 HXN = find.unit.HXN
     50 system_feeds = [i for i in HP_sys.feeds if i.price] + \
     51     [i for i in BT_sys.feeds if i.price]
     52 system_products = [i for i in HP_sys.products if i.price] + \
     53     [i for i in BT_sys.products if i.price]

File D:\anaconda\envs\zhangdexin\lib\site-packages\thermosteam\utils\, in Registry.__getattr__(self, ID)
     85     return[ID]
     86 except KeyError:
---> 87     raise AttributeError(f'{repr(ID)} not in registry')

AttributeError: 'HXN' not in registry
zasddsgg commented 3 days ago

It seems that I still downloaded the latest version of biorefineries, biosteam and thermosteam from the website,, I tried to download through git clone, but error fatal: repository '' not found was reported. I try to download from the following location, but it seems that I still downloaded the latest version. 1

zasddsgg commented 3 days ago

I try to use git clone 2.x.x/biorefineries, while error ssh: Could not resolve hostname git: Name or service not known fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists will report. @sarangbhagwat Could I consult you the right URL or way to download and install?

sarangbhagwat commented 3 days ago

Hi @zasddsgg,

GitHub will allow you to clone from the repository link, i.e., git clone

Once cloned, use git checkout 427ec9ad260de62d97f1591cb46891207af8951a.

Alternatively, if you would rather not clone the repository, you can simply navigate to the commit link for, click Code > Download ZIP, and extract downloaded files to the folder you'd like.

Hope this helps!

zasddsgg commented 2 days ago

@sarangbhagwat Thank you for your recommendation. After git checkout 427ec9ad260de62d97f1591cb46891207af8951a, when I try to install with pip install., ERROR: Directory '.' is not installable. Neither '' nor 'pyproject.toml' found will report. It looks like the ' 'file is missing (as in the following picture). I tried to use the '' file here (, but it still got error: subprocess-exited-with-error. 1