BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup / Bioindustrial-Park

BioSTEAM's Premier Repository for Biorefinery Models and Results
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Boilerplate biorefinery #21

Open yoelcortes opened 3 years ago

yoelcortes commented 3 years ago

We are in need of an "empty" project which can be used as a standard to create a production process for the biorefineries package. Note that following the boilerplate structure is not a requirement to contribute to the Bioindustrial-Park, but it would help keep consistency and standardization in the long run. The goal is to help and encourage new BioSTEAM users to contribute back their designs.

The following could be an advanced boilerplate:

        data # All data used to model the process (e.g. csv files)
        results # All results of the process (e.g. figures, excel report)
        units # All unit operations (this could also just be a module) # Imports units, key functions, and lazy loads chemicals and the system # Script used to create results # Contains function to create Chemicals object # Contains a model with key metrics and parameters with their baseline distribution # Contains a function to set heat utlities, CEPCI, and PowerUtility price # Contains a function to create the System object # Contains a function to create the TEA object # Miscellaneous functions

The following could be a simplified boilerplate, for those who are not looking to reuse the code in other projects (so lazy loading and functions to recreate objects are not needed):

    {biorefinery_name} # Imports everything # Creates the Chemicals object # Sets heat utlities, CEPCI, and PowerUtility price # Creates the System object # Create the TEA class (if not reused from another project # All unit operations # Miscellaneous functions

Each module in the boilerplate biorefinery should contain suggested imports and commented sections (e.g. make stream, make units, create system)

I hope to work on this on Jan 16th, please feel free to comment and contribute to the boilerplate biorefinery (directly or via pull requests). Changes are welcome (and expected) in the future.

Thanks, Have a nice day!

yalinli2 commented 3 years ago

This looks cool! We have been generally following this, but definitely good for new users. Some questions/comments:
