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wwt module system not converging after recent updates #45

Closed yalinli2 closed 1 year ago

yalinli2 commented 1 year ago

Hi @yoelcortes I'm having problems with simulating the systems in the wwt module after I pulled in changes in the last couple of days (definitely within a week, most likely due to changes since last Thursday, since I reran all my results that day and noticed that oilcane numbers were off as I mentioned in #44 )

Essentially, in the module I made two kinds of systems, the existing systems where I try to reproduce the existing biorefinery modules, and new systems where I put in the new wastewater treatment process, previously, this would work fine:

from biorefineries.wwt.corn import create_cn_comparison_models
exist_model, new_model = create_cn_comparison_models()
exist_df = exist_model.metrics_at_baseline()
new_df = new_model.metrics_at_baseline()

But just 1-2 hours ago I updated my biosteam/thermosteam (I've been using the qsdsan branch), and biorefineries, and now

new_sys = new_model.system

this is taking like forever (and I can hear the laptop running like crazy).

I'd appreciate suggestions on:

  1. Changes in biosteam/thermosteam in the last couple of days that might have led to this issue
  2. Things I can try to figure out what's causing the problem...

Thanks a ton!

yoelcortes commented 1 year ago

@yalinli2, try updating flexsolve and free_properties. There is a system specification that tries to solve for the amount of bagasse required to satisfy heat and energy demands. I made some changes to flexsolve to get the system specification to solve more quickly at the bounds.

If you still have an error, we can solve it together tomorrow anytime in the afternoon. I'll be at the lab. You can also send me a zoom link if you prefer.


yalinli2 commented 1 year ago

@yoelcortes ah unfortunately updating didn't help, I'll stop by tomorrow, thanks!

yoelcortes commented 1 year ago

Issue has been resolved, so closing this now

yalinli2 commented 1 year ago

yep thanks!