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Moisture content of sludge in cornstover biorefinery #46

Closed yalinli2 closed 1 year ago

yalinli2 commented 1 year ago

Hi @yoelcortes , I noticed something weird in the cornstover biorefinery, for the sludge that's coming out of the wastewater treatment process:

>>> from biorefineries import cornstover as cs
>>> cs.load()
Stream: sludge from <SludgeCentrifuge: S603> to <Mixer: slurry_mixer>
 phase: 'l', T: 307.83 K, P: 101325 Pa
 composition (%): Water              46
                  Ethanol            5.28e-05
                  AceticAcid         0.0268
                  Glycerol           0.00483
                  LacticAcid         0.0263
                  SuccinicAcid       0.012
                  DAP                0.101
                  AmmoniumSulfate    1.78
                  SO2                0.0006
                  Arabinose          0.034
                  Extract            0.196
                  Ash                2.57
                  NaOH               1.26
                  Lignin             7.58
                  SolubleLignin      0.0106
                  GlucoseOligomer    0.0313
                  GalactoseOligomer  7.92e-05
                  MannoseOligomer    4.15e-05
                  XyloseOligomer     0.0111
                  ArabinoseOligomer  0.00135
                  Z_mobilis          0.0408
                  Protein            0.144
                  Glucan             0.0242
                  Xylan              0.0227
                  Xylitol            0.0218
                  Cellobiose         0.00571
                  Arabinan           0.0103
                  Mannan             0.0365
                  Galactan           0.00852
                  WWTsludge          40
                  Cellulase          0.0101
                  -----------------  2.56e+03 kg/hr

It looks like the water content is only 46%, I think that's a really high bar to reach for a sludge centrifuge. Is this modeled off S-611 in the Humbird report? If so, stream 623 after it has about 80% water content, did I miss anything here?


yoelcortes commented 1 year ago

@yalinli2, thanks for looking into this! I did not realize the moisture content was this high. As much as possible, the mass balance of each component is based on the stream tables in Humbird's report except for anaerobic digestion (which is based on VLE, but only a small amount of water leaves with the biogas anyways). So most probably a "split" coefficient is off.

yalinli2 commented 1 year ago

@yoelcortes I opened a PR on biosteam:

I'll close this issue and we can continue the discussion there, thanks!