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Request for heat exchanger pressure #62

Open zasddsgg opened 1 year ago

zasddsgg commented 1 year ago

Hello, for heat exchanger in the tutorial (, it seems to be not mention pressure. I tried HXutility and HXprocess. After setting T or V, HXutility seems to have the same outlet pressure as that of inlet pressure, but under the same conditions, the outlet pressure of heater will be reduced in the Heater of Aspen. Is it because the outlet pressure and the inlet pressure are set to be consistent in heat exchanger of biosteam. Thank you for you help. Wish you a good day.

yoelcortes commented 1 year ago

Pressure drops all around have not yet been implemented. We do have a heuristic pressure drop in the design results which could be used in the future. There is also the question of how to best account for pressure drop across a tank.


zasddsgg commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your answer. BioSTEAM is a very attractive platform. I believe that BioSTEAM will be used by more and more people in the future. Thank you for you help. Wish you a good day.