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Consultation on the dissolution of CO2 in water #89

Closed zasddsgg closed 8 months ago

zasddsgg commented 9 months ago

Hello, I call Flash to separate the gas from the liquid stream. But after the Flash, all the gas in the feed stream is transferred to the gas phase stream, shouldn't some CO2 be dissolved in the water? I checked (, it is because CO2, CO, O2 and CH4 are set as a single phase state “g”, why set it up this way? Could I consult you after setting CO2, CO, O2, CH4 as a single phase “g”, will these gases participate in gas-liquid equilibrium and the process of dissolution in water? Thanks for your help. Wish you a good day.

The code is as follows:

import biosteam as bst
from biosteam import settings
from biosteam import units
from biorefineries import cellulosic as cs
chemicals_cs = cs.create_cellulosic_ethanol_chemicals()


feed = bst.Stream(

F101 = units.Flash('F101', feed, outs=('vapor', 'liquid'), T=25+273.15, P=101325)

The result is as follows:

Flash: F101
[0] feed  
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): Water    12.2
                    Ethanol  17.1
                    O2       0.281
                    CH4      0.436
                    CO2      1.13
                    CO       0.357
[0] vapor  
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): Water    0.0491
                    Ethanol  0.125
                    O2       0.281
                    CH4      0.436
                    CO2      1.13
                    CO       0.357
[1] liquid  
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): Water    12.2
                    Ethanol  17
yoelcortes commented 8 months ago

CO2, O2, and the other gases are assumed to be non-condensable in this particular model (phase='g' in the chemicals)

zasddsgg commented 8 months ago

But in fact, some CO2 will dissolve in the water, if set CO2 phase='g', CO2 will not dissolve in the water, which is not reasonable?

yoelcortes commented 8 months ago

It is reasonable to assume CO2 is noncondensable because it has close to no impact on this particular process