BioSchemas / BioschemasMarkupGenerator

A tool for prototyping markup against the Bioschemas profiles.
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http and https deployment not picking up profiles (site broken) #18

Open PhilReedData opened 1 month ago

PhilReedData commented 1 month ago

Related to issue #16, I cannot use this site at all on either http or https, the profile selection does not load. Tested on latest Chrome, Firefox, Edge, on macOS 14 and Windows 10. Also observed by several colleagues in ELIXIR for months.

When loading the http address:

When loading the https address with default security settings:

When loading the https address with Chrome/Edge 'Site Settings' set to allow insecure content:

As already raised in issue #16, the script to load JQuery should be changed to load the https version, at least when the page is requested over https. In addition, something needs to be changed to address the CORS policy error. I don't know what CORS is, it might go away if the page loads everything over https.

PhilReedData commented 1 month ago

To clarify, where I say "The 'Select Profile' button does nothing.", I mean that the drop-down list of 'Bioschemas Profile' is empty. I realise now that the 'Select Profile' button just opens that block up to before 'Profile Form', so it is not meant to do anything when clicked if the first block is already open. The important thing is that the drop-down list is empty, so we cannot use the website.

I've checked out the web app code to my personal server, changed the jquery link from http to https (in index.html line 5). It fixed the problem of the empty dropdown list of Bioschemas Profiles, as far as I can see.

I didn't try to install the scripting tool to my web server, I don't have Python etc. So the web app brought up an outdated (default) set of profile versions but then at least the website was (mostly) working. It would generate JSON-LD but not RDFa or Microdata, the latter two being blocked again since they call http URLs. See issue #19.

PhilReedData commented 1 month ago

I have now been able to get the profiles to load on the http site after all, apologies for the confusion. My observations may still help diagnose the problems in correcting the https version.

Should the link on the Bioschemas website menu be updated to http? (Can it be?)