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Proper encoding of identifier property in DataCatalog #118

Open ivanmicetic opened 6 years ago

ivanmicetic commented 6 years ago

How to encode the “identifier” property in DataCatalog specifications? Specs say PropertyValue|Text|URL and under description we find Bioschemas: identifier:accessURL,identifierPattern,exampleIdentifeir (MANY) giving several possibilities:

Main problem with URL/text example is that too few information are present, and it may be difficult to parse and use. In bioschemas example, it could be useful to add two new properties together with accessURL, the first specifying the identifying entity or organization (e.g. “identifierProvider”: ””) and second, the name of collection/resource of the identifier (e.g. “identifierCollection”:[“mobidb”,”MIR:00000637”]).

AlasdairGray commented 5 years ago

The example in the profile gives a simple example of usage (copied below), is it sufficient?

"@type": "DataCatalog",
"identifier": "MIR:00000018"

Do we need the complexity proposed by @ivanmicetic for Bioschemas?