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Redesign Profile Page #620

Open AlasdairGray opened 1 year ago

AlasdairGray commented 1 year ago

Now that the process for editing profiles using the DDE is finally finished, it is worth while considering the layout of the profiles. Currently, some important information about a profile is currently hidden away in tabs.

During the redevelopment process, some alternative layouts were considered (

Perhaps those screenshots can be reconsidered.

image image image

The most crucial bit of this design is that it puts the links tab as the first tab and uses a tab for the change log.

sneumann commented 1 year ago

Tab Links contains the actual profile information, so wording could change. Maybe use the profile name there ? The group/use case/ stories/tasks/... could become a vertical box on the right. Yours, Steffen

AlasdairGray commented 1 year ago

There is certainly a lot of screen real estate over on the right hand side that is not being used right now so that is a nice idea.