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Not latest Bioschemas profile URL (DDE) #637

Open thomasrosnet opened 1 year ago

thomasrosnet commented 1 year ago


Some profiles in the DDE JSONLD specs, have the [schema:schemaVersion] property not properly pointing to the corresponding Bioschemas profile webpage. As follows, Dataset, Course, ChemicalSubstance, MolecularEntity profiles references in DDE are invalid (http 404 not found errors):

In the Bioschemas website we can find the following releases:

Or drafts:

Is it an error at pointing to the latest version of the profile ?


gtsueng commented 1 year ago

Thanks for finding these issues.

The MolecularEntity profile above version 0.5 has rendering issues on the website due to the JSON-LD having a required optional (i.e. - at least one of these properties are required, but not all). It's something that can be expressed in JSON-LD, but MolecularEntity version 0.6 seems to be the first time we're actually using it. Thus, the website rendering software (and even the DDE's JSON viewer) doesn't really know how to render it, and is not rendering it properly. While v0.6 is available on the website, further discussion is needed for how the proper display should look. Feel free to chime in on this issue here:

The ChemicalSubstance profile version 0.5 -- The JSON-LD exists and was generated as part of Biohackathon. It should also have been tested at the time. I'm not sure what happened to the auto-generated profile for rendering to the website.

The Dataset Draft 1.1 profile: As with all draft profiles, it will be in a different namespace for the DDE (as the DDE only allows 1 version of each class name per namespace). Thus, you can find it in this file:

The Dataset 1.0 Release: It may have gotten reverted by accident on the DDE's side. It's an easy fix, so thanks for bring it to my attention.

The Course v0.10-DRAFT: Appears to be an issue with the version name that was manually entered into the DDE's draft profile list--also an easy fix, so thanks for bringing it

Hopefully moving forward, we'll see less of these filename issues as more of the info gets auto-generated.