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BioSample referenced as type only in JSON-LD #638

Open thomasrosnet opened 1 year ago

thomasrosnet commented 1 year ago


I would like to report an issue concerning both the BioSample Profile and Type: BioSample definition in the JSON-LD of DDE and Specifications github repositories seems to be defined as a Type only and not a Profile. But on the Bioschemas website, it is shown as both a Profile and a Type.

Profile: Type:

Why is the BioSample profile missing in the DDE JSON-LD file ?


gtsueng commented 1 year ago

Hi @thomasrosnet the BioSample profile has not yet been generated in JSON-LD in the specifications folder, which is why it has similarly not been propagated into the DDE. The reason is that the draft BioSample profile on the website lacks cardinality information for the majority of its properties, so I simply didn't know how to set the JSON Schema validation rules for it. This is not an issue for types since JSON Schema validation rules are not used for types.

A group from the 2022 Biohackathon is working on updating this class, so hopefully a more complete draft will be created in the near future.

gtsueng commented 1 year ago

The cardinality issue was included in this discussion: