BioSchemas / specifications

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Explain how to comply with the FAIR chemical structures specification #658

Open egonw opened 8 months ago

egonw commented 8 months ago

Internal reference and


A the BioHackathon Europe 2022 this was discussed with @AlasdairGray and Evan Bolton. Since then, the properties have been made optional, but the explanation in the description never got in.

Motivation and context

Have these been tested?


What should reviewers focus on?

That the JSON is correct. I tried using the DDE, which sort of worked, but the JSON was so much different, even though I did start with the DDE version of 0.7-DRAFT that I went for the JSON in this repo.

Types of changes

Future TO-DOs

gtsueng commented 8 months ago

The JSON file above displays fine in the DDE, but getting it to propagate to the website is another story (see