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Proposal of new properties for ChemicalSubstance in order to create a new UseCase #674

Open gorbondiga opened 2 months ago

gorbondiga commented 2 months ago

Regarding the UseCase of ChemicalSubstance, I would like to use it as a property of a hypothetical Crystallization Experiment BioSchema. Thus, I believe that by adding few properties (see below) to ChemicalSubstance, it could be used, with MANY cardinality as a Chemical Solution in other possible experimental BioSchema.

New proposed properties

Example {"ChemicalSubstance": [ { "@type": "ChemicalSubstance", "@id": "", "name": "Lithium sulfate", ... , "concentration": "0.2", "unitOfMeasure": "M", "pH": "", "url: "", "CASnumber": "10102-25-7" }, { "@type": "ChemicalSubstance", "@id": "", "name": "Tris", ... , "concentration": "0.1", "unitOfMeasure": "M", "pH": "8.5", "url": "", "CASnumber": "77-86-1" } ] }

sneumann commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for opening the issue and get the discussion rolling. With @egonw and @meier-rene we recently discussed stuff around ChemicalSubstance. Here are some (unsorted) thoughts:

Yours, Steffen