Bioconductor / AnnotationForge

Tools for building SQLite-based annotation data packages
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Convert makeProbePackage.Rnw to makeProbePackage.Rmd #41

Closed mcarlsn closed 1 year ago

mcarlsn commented 1 year ago

@jwokaty I followed your Slack message and ran R_LIBS_USER="/mnt/STORE1/lib/R/bioc-release" R CMD build AnnotationForge/ and got the same build message you shared i.e., R CMD build ran but gave errors that we don't see on the Bioconductor build report. Pushing it to you to test on one of the Bioconductor builders, whenever it is convenient. Also, you'll see that I tried adding code to better match the references list but it's not identical in my conversion vs. the original vignette PDF - interested to hear your thoughts. Thank you!

jwokaty commented 1 year ago

Thanks, just converting it to a draft until I test.