Bioconductor / AnnotationHub

Client for the Bioconductor AnnotationHub web resource
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how to get CpGs for hg38 ? #42

Closed sahuno closed 10 months ago

sahuno commented 11 months ago


I can't retrieve CpGs file for hg38. can someone pls point me in the right direction ? thanks

#### get CpG locations for hg38
hub_hg38 <- AnnotationHub()
query(hub_hg38, c("cpg","hg38"))

AnnotationHub with 0 records
# snapshotDate(): 2021-10-20
lshep commented 10 months ago

AnnotationHub relies on data contributed from the community and it appears that there hasn't been any submitted. Perhaps the ramwas package might be useful?

hpages commented 10 months ago

A simple alternative is to use the rtracklayer package to retrieve the CpG data directly from the UCSC Genome Browser:


session <- browserSession()
genome(session) <- "hg38"

query <- ucscTableQuery(session, table="cpgIslandExt")
cpg_islands <- track(query)  # GRanges object

query <- ucscTableQuery(session, table="cpgIslandExtUnmasked")
all_cpg_islands <- track(query)  # GRanges object

See CpG Islands Tracks details at


sahuno commented 10 months ago

i didn't know that! thank you all for your help!!!