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Add note to correct Nebbiolo1 disk space #375

Closed jwokaty closed 8 months ago

jwokaty commented 9 months ago

Close #372

jwokaty commented 9 months ago

@hpages Do you have a preference for the location of information like this?

hpages commented 9 months ago

Maybe specify the path to the partition in your df command in order to reduce the size of the output:

biocbuild@nebbiolo1:~$ df -Th /home
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
data/home      zfs   1.7T  877G  852G  51% /home

Also it can be useful to use the -T option here to show the type of filesystem used for this partition.

I would suggest that you also show the df command the two times that it's used, even if it's the same command each time.

My understanding is that the issue of disk space being invisibly eaten by unwanted snapshots is zfs-speficic so could happen on any build machine where zfs is used. Also it could maybe happen in other contexts, not necessarily after an update. All this to say that maybe this section would be more useful in the long run if you slightly rephrase things to make it zfs-specific rather than nebbiolo1-specific.

More precisely, I'm thinking of:

I'm not sure about the best place for this. Moving it to a separate document means we're not necessarily going to remember to check the new document next time we have a "No space left on device" error. So keeping it here is fine for now, I guess. Maybe at some point we should start a section about how to troubleshoot "No space left on device" problems in general, and move the zfs snapshot thing to it (which is only one of the many ways we can end up with disk space problems).


jwokaty commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your comments.