Bioconductor / BiocCheck
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Add dependency check #113

Open lshep opened 4 years ago

lshep commented 4 years ago

warnings if too many dependencies

LiNk-NY commented 2 years ago

IIRC this is handled by R CMD check when there are multiple packages in the Depends field. Should BiocCheck do more than what R CMD check provides? If so, the guidelines should be updated first if we want to enforce that a package cannot depend on more than X # of packages.

Update: It seems this shows up when using the --as-cran flag: R CMD check --as-cran uncoverappLib:

N  checking package dependencies (4.9s)
   Imports includes 25 non-default packages.
   Importing from so many packages makes the package vulnerable to any of
   them becoming unavailable.  Move as many as possible to Suggests and
   use conditionally.
llrs commented 1 month ago

Perhaps this is easily done here, but it could also be done via [_R_CHECK_EXCESSIVE_IMPORTS_]( = 20 on the package checker

LiNk-NY commented 1 month ago

Thanks Lluís! I will check with the team about adding it to the BBS. It seems reasonable. PS. I deleted the duplicate comment.

lshep commented 1 month ago

Added to SPB - I'll activate it when I set up the SPB on devel post release

llrs commented 1 month ago

Yeh, sorry for the formatting and duplicate message. I was using a flaky internet connection. Glad this was added.