Bioconductor / BiocParallel

Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation
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Template file for Slurm job submission #222

Closed mitmurakami closed 1 year ago

mitmurakami commented 1 year ago


I have trouble understanding the template file given in a vignettes example, as little explanation is given (Section 4.3.2). The <% ... %> portion of the file seems like JSP scriptlet, but how do they get executed in bash script? I cannot find anything like this anywhere on the internet search. I want to separate the error output and log output files, but the example handles both as "log.file" - what is this keyword do? Is it in R or in JSP?

mtmorgan commented 1 year ago

The templates are from the batchtools package From the vignette the <% ... %> code come from use of the 'brew' package for template instantiation; it is not 'JSP'.

For the specific question about log versus output, it looks like the key line is and the solution would edit this template to use a different file for log versus output.