Bioconductor / BiocStickers

Stickers for some Bioconductor packages - feel free to contribute and/or modify.
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BioC2021 hex logo/sticker #139

Closed mdozmorov closed 2 years ago

mdozmorov commented 3 years ago

Hi @jorainer, I'm working with the BioC team on organizing the BioC2021 conference. Would you be willing to help with the BioC2021 hex stickers? - the tentative idea of how they'll look on the website. @lwaldron

jorainer commented 3 years ago

Sure, I would be more than happy to do that. Key things to know however are:

lwaldron commented 3 years ago

Pandemic permitting it will be a "hybrid" conference online and in "Seattle" - August 4-6 (Weds - Fri)

No hard deadline for the sticker, but I think we will probably launch the website this month or by early December.

lwaldron commented 3 years ago

I didn't actually intend to put "Seattle" in quotes, but I think faraway physical places actually seem less real now!

jorainer commented 3 years ago

I made a first sketch: Seattle's space needle and the BioC note are outside the window, with the bubbles coming into the room. This should give the feeling of a connection between the person in front of the notebook and the conference in Seattle - although she/he in the room might not be physically present at the conference.

Let me know what you think. Feedback as always highly welcome - maybe you could involve the full organizing committee @lwaldron ?


mdozmorov commented 3 years ago

Imho, looks great. The bubbles look like double helix and add some optimistic notes. Add a straw in the glass, to balance the complexity of the laptop?

jorainer commented 3 years ago

jepp - the note and the bubbles should represent the Bioconductor logo (note).

I also thought of the straw - but that would not be environmental friendly ;) I could put a plant there - or some pencils etc.

mtmorgan commented 3 years ago

Maybe bubbles in inclusive colors rather than Bioc blue / green? Also wondering about looking out over Puget Sound or at Mt. Rainier rather than the space needle? The coffee mug was a great way to introduce the Boston 'B' last year, and I guess Seattle / Starbucks are synonymous in some sense, but maybe something different? A pad of paper and pencil sketching an algorithm?

It's great being a 'back seat' artist! I'm sure the sticker will be excellent!

jorainer commented 3 years ago

Thanks @mtmorgan for the feedback - I'll give your ideas a try.

That's what I've got so far:


I will next replace the space needle by Mount Rain(i)er, see if I get a Starbucks mug there and play around with inclusive colors.

jorainer commented 3 years ago

Here are the new versions (all with a Starbucks coffee-mug):

A) Mount Rainier and conventional BioC color bubbles


B) Mount Rainier and bubbles in inclusive colors


C) Mount Rainier + Space needle and bubble in inclusive colors


I think that C) might be a little to overloaded - especially in original print size. My current favorite is B) but might be good to get an independent feedback - especially on the inclusive-colored bubbles...

lshep commented 3 years ago

looking good.

mdozmorov commented 3 years ago

Vote for B - looks well-balanced.

LiNk-NY commented 3 years ago

I vote for C. Mount Rainier is not easily recognizable by those outside of WA. Also, the laptop says BioC202? Perhaps the notepad should have your signature? :wink:

jorainer commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion with the signature @LiNk-NY - but I never put my signature on my designs (I'm the secret designer ;)).

Sure, I can try to fit the whole BioC2021 on the screen.

B) is the more subtle option, sure, most people (like myself) will recognize the space needle, but there is the subtle hint with Mt Rainier and the Starbucks mug.

For C) I'm just afraid that you can't see anything anymore on the sticker (on the 5x5cm size) if we have the space needle and Mt Rainier. Btw, with just the space needle alone the window looks too empty.

What I would really appreciate is if someone could print the version with and without the space needle on the actual size (5cm wide) on paper and provide feedback if the design is readable (both the B and the C) - I'm unfortunately in home office and have no printer at hand...

mdozmorov commented 3 years ago

We can use all three A, B, C versions, and the initial 'space needle' variant. The conference template allows a carousel of images. We can "rank" the versions and put the most popular as the first image, but each variant has unique associations.

jorainer commented 3 years ago

@mdozmorov , I've added the 3 variants (as png files) to events/BioC2021. I still need to create the hex sticker(s), but at least you have the drawings first.

SiminaB commented 3 years ago

They look great! I like having a coffee mug! Seattle and coffee are definitely synonymous! Not sure about having it be a Starbucks mug though (though I go to Starbucks a lot, but some people don't like Starbucks.) The name on the notepad is scribbled, which is a bit distracting (to me at least) and may contribute a bit to the busy-ness. Perhaps have the mug and the notepad on opposite sides of the laptop?

jorainer commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback - I will evaluate them. The sticker will however be only 5x5cm, so the scribbling on the notebook and the Starbucks logo might not be really readable at all.

aedin commented 3 years ago

I like C, I think the Space needle is synonymous with Seattle. However it might be fun to have a birthday cake on the laptop to reflect 20 years of Bioc?

aedin commented 3 years ago

Not so sure about the colored bubbles across the laptop, I think I would keep them smaller (as in the drawing). I like to coffee mug, any greenish logo on a white mug will echo starbucks. The plants and notebook are good, not sure they add lots. On the laptop I'd be tempted to have a "zoom" with a Bioc founder or early bioc image, or cake/balloons. I like that the colors are more cheerful, hopefully 2021 will be a better year

aedin commented 3 years ago

BTW, that you for being so so open to all our comments. We love your work. Its amazing and it add so so much to the meeting. everyone loves their stickers

mdozmorov commented 3 years ago

All three variants look great. Preview how they will look like is available. And, the background out of stickers from the previous conferences also fits well.

jorainer commented 3 years ago

Hm, the idea with the birthday cake is good @aedin - only, if I put it on the notebook it might look like the person in front of the notebook is, instead of contributing/participating in the conference, looking for recipes of the next birthday cake.

Regarding the other suggestions - I will first make the sticker and then we'll see. As mentioned above, on a 5x5cm size all looks different and some things might not be readable/recognizable.

aedin commented 3 years ago

Completely agree. Feel free to ignore everything I said. You do an amazing job, and know what works

jorainer commented 3 years ago

This is my first suggestion for the sticker - any last change requests?


mdozmorov commented 3 years ago

This is excellent! Can you make stickers from the other two variants?

jorainer commented 3 years ago

Sure - I will add the 3 versions to the BiocStickers repo.

jorainer commented 3 years ago

I've added all stickers to the repo. Let me know if you need more/different things.

mdozmorov commented 3 years ago

They look great, thank you!

aedin commented 3 years ago

Fab. Look great

On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 7:28 AM Mikhail Dozmorov wrote:

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They look great, thank you!

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Aedin Culhane, PhD

Department of Data Science, Division of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Mailstop LC9342, 450 Brookline Ave, Boston MA 02215

Department of Biostatistics, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston MA 02215

Tel: +1-617-632-2468 Twitter: @AedinCulhane, Department Twitter is @dfcidatascience Office location: LC9324 Longwood Center,360 Longwood Avenue, DFCI, Boston.