Bioconductor / BiocStyle

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Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `fgcolor'. #109

Open mtmorgan opened 3 weeks ago

mtmorgan commented 3 weeks ago

These reports on the Bioc-devel mailing list suggest a recent change in xcolor (???) that needs to be addressed in BiocStyle::latex()

acinostroza commented 3 weeks ago

The issue persist if I use texlive 2023 (which has the old xcolor package from 2022). It seems to me that the highr update from 0.10 from 0.11 created the problem. knitr released 1.4.7 to address some the compatibility issues.

Downgrading highr to 0.10 and knitr to 1.4.6 also fixes the issue posted on Bioc-devel.

mtmorgan commented 3 weeks ago

I see this commit from several years ago; perhaps this is a regression?