Bioconductor / BiocStyle

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BiocStyle::latex[2] on Travis-CI #15

Open lgatto opened 8 years ago

lgatto commented 8 years ago

I am building MSnbase on Travis-CI and had to do some testing with the .travis.yml to get the LaTeX dependencies right. I seems that adding this at the beginning of the config file works (here's the full .travis.yml for details):

  - tlmgr install bera nowidow parnotes marginfix etoolbox titlesec sectsty framed enumitem parskip soul placeins footmisc changepage xstring caption mathtools 

(Note that some of the packages might not be needed explicitly)

Posting here for reference or to see if there's a better way.

bschilder commented 1 year ago

Having a very similar issue on GitHub Actions with the Windows VM. thanks for writing these out, you just saved me weeks of time @lgatto !

Related issues documented here:

Is it possible for BiocStyle to install these dependencies for users? Or at least check that they are/are not?