Open averissimo opened 5 years ago
> BiocManager::version() [1] ‘3.8’ > installed.packages() %>% %>% filter(Package == 'BiocStyle') %>% select(Package, Version, Built) Package Version Built 1 BiocStyle 2.10.0 3.5.1
The following example fails to generate a proper html vignette with svg, while using "html_document" works correctly
It produces an incomplete xml for the SVG image:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN" ""> <svg width="620" height="296"> <g style="</svg>
Same error for dev: 'svglite'
dev: 'svglite'
The following example fails to generate a proper html vignette with svg, while using "html_document" works correctly
It produces an incomplete xml for the SVG image: