Bioconductor / BiocStyle

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Enhance use_vignette_*() #76

Open mtmorgan opened 4 years ago

mtmorgan commented 4 years ago

This pull request enhances use_vignette_*() to provide a version of the vignette suitable for use in a package. It emphasizes overall vignette structure (including package installation instructions, reference to the support site, etc) rather than the features offered by markdown or BiocStyle. Functions gain arguments (e.g., authors = c(person(), person())) for easy production of custom vignettes.

It is partly in response to a Bioconductor community developer forum slack post.

The templating infrastructure under inst/rmarkdown/templates/package_vignette is a little complicated by the desire to provide a templated version for interactive use, and a complete version for RStudio interactive creation. A file in that directory provides update instructions.

mtmorgan commented 4 years ago

Hmm, I think I'll revise this a little to augment the original use_vignette_*() functionality, rather than replace it.