Closed wheelerb closed 2 years ago
Hi @wheelerb
Thanks for submitting your package. We are taking a quick look at it and you will hear back from us soon.
The DESCRIPTION file for this package is:
Package: SUITOR
Title: Selecting the number of mutational signatures through
Version: 0.99.0
Date: 2022-01-24
Authors@R: c(person(given="DongHyuk", family="Lee", role="aut", email=""),
person(given="Bin", family="Zhu", role="aut", email=""),
person(given="Bill", family="Wheeler", role="cre", email=""))
Description: An unsupervised cross-validation method to select the optimal number of mutational signatures.
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0), doParallel, foreach, parallel, ggplot2
License: GPL-2
biocViews: Genetics, Software, SomaticMutation
Suggests: devtools, MutationalPatterns, RUnit, BiocManager,
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2022-01-24 15:17:58 UTC; wheelerwi
The vignette includes evaluated installation commands. These must be removed or disabled. There is a reference to a github repo. Installation commands related to the github repo must be disabled in the vignette. The vignette is taking a very long time to compute. Can you speed it up either by changing convergence parameters or starting from a "warmed" state?
OK, I will make some changes to the vignette.
I have changed the vignette to start from a warmed state, so it now runs much faster.
I don't think your changes were committed to the
Thanks, they weren't. I just committed them.
OK. Seeing the compiled .Rnw was a blast from the past. Consider using Rmd ... it gives nice HTML ... we don't require it but it is worth getting under your belt eventually.
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Thank you for your submission. I have been assigned to review SUITOR and will provide my review within 2 weeks.
Cheers, Pete
Hi @wheelerb,
Thank you for your submission to Bioconductor. Overall, the package is in good shape with clear code. For acceptance into Bioconductor, I have a few Required points, as well as some Recommended points, that I would ask you to first please address. Please add your point-by-point replies to the review in this thread.
Cheers, Pete
should not be appearing in DESCRIPTION
to ensure that the results that a user who actually runs the code chunk would obtain by copying+pasting from the vignette match those from the pre-saved results.plot_96_profile(Extract$W, condensed=TRUE, ymax=0.3)
code does not actually generate a figure in the vignette.BiocCheck::BiocCheck()
on the package.Imports
, rather than Depends
field to the DESCRIPTION
. This usually points to the GitHub Issues page,
or snake_case
in naming (exported) functions.inst/CITATION
; see
instead of malloc()
but otherwise is clean and well organized so memory management concerns are not a show-stopper (memory leaks would only occur in unusual situations when some functions don't complete because they run into an error).". To my understanding there's nothing in the C code that requires changing, but please consider his advice.Thanks, I will get started on these.
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Hi Pete,
Thanks for reviewing. I have made several changes to the package and my comments are below.
Required Packaged should not be appearing in DESCRIPTION (see Fixed
My Sweave is rusty; is it possible to use an 'unevaluated' code chunk in Sweave rather than relying on commented-out code? Fixed The vignette is now in Rmd format.
For the commented-out code in Sections 5-7 of vignette, I tested out the actual code to see how long it would take to run and obtained slightly different results. Please set.seed() to ensure that the results that a user who actually runs the code chunk would obtain by copying+pasting from the vignette match those from the pre-saved results. Fixed
In the vigentte, the plot_96_profile(Extract$W, condensed=TRUE, ymax=0.3) code does not actually generate a figure in the vignette. Fixed
Please take reasonable steps to address all output of running BiocCheck::BiocCheck() on the package. Fixed *One of the NOTES is: " Avoid redundant 'stop' and 'warn' in signal conditions" In functions that check input arguments, I have multiple stop() statements that will throw a different error message depending on what is wrong with the input argument. I do not see how they are redundant. Another NOTE is : "Usage of dontrun{} / donttest{} found in man page examples." These are needed in some examples, because the main functions can take a long time to run.**
doParallel, foreach, parallel, and ggplot2 should appear in Imports, rather than Depends, in the DESCRIPTION. Fixed
Recommended Consider using BiocStyle for formatting the vignette for consistency with other Bioc; see Section 1.1.1 of the vignette (pdf) for how to use BiocStyle with Sweave. Fixed The format of the vignette has now been changed to Rmd.
Consider using BiocParallel for parallelisation for the reasons mentioned in No change yet. I have looked at the BiocParallel package, but it is unclear how my code would change in order to use BiocParallel.
Consider adding a README file. Added
Please add a BugReports field to the DESCRIPTION. This usually points to the GitHub Issues page, Added
Please be consistent with use of camelCase or snake_case in naming (exported) functions. Fixed, suitor_extract_WH is now called suitorExtractWH
Consider adding a citation file inst/CITATION; see Added
I asked @hpages, a core member of the Bioconductor team, to take a look at the C code. His comments were, "C code in SUITOR could avoid risks of memory leak by using R_alloc() instead of malloc()/free() but otherwise is clean and well organized so memory management concerns are not a show-stopper (memory leaks would only occur in unusual situations when some functions don't complete because they run into an error).". To my understanding there's nothing in the C code that requires changing, but please consider his advice. Fixed I am now using R_Calloc and R_Free instead of malloc and free.
Hi @wheelerb,
Thanks for addressing the comments in the initial review. There are still some issues that must be addressed for SUITOR to be accepted. Please note that these need to be fixed by the end of this week to ensure that SUITOR is included in Biocondcutor 3.15 (see
Cheers, Pete
Extract <- suitorExtractWH(SimData, re$rank)
does not take particularly long to run (40 seconds on my laptop). Please modify this section so that the code is evaluated rather than loading pre-computed results.library(SUITOR)
OP <- list(min.rank=5, max.rank=13, k.fold=5, n.seeds=50, get.summary=0)
re2 <- suitor(SimData, op=OP)
#> Error in check_op_valid(op): ERROR: the option(s) n.seeds are not valid
for top-level headings, ##
for second-level headings, etc). There is no need for manual numbering of section headings because Rmarkdown will autogenerate these once you use the correct syntax (this Rmarkdown cheatsheet may be useful, as too the linked documentation).suitor()
and re$rank
rather than bold (suitor()) or italic (suitor()). I would recommend following suit on this.$
being used to denote LaTeX math mode as well as being valid R code. If you change from using bold (**
) or italic (*
) markdown syntax to using code
(```) for the variables then this issue goes away.str(re)
, str(re2)
, re$rank
, head(Extract$W)
, and Extract$H[,1:3]
are unclear when reading the rendered vignette because the actual calls to str(re)
, str(re2)
, re$rank
, head(Extract$W)
, and Extract$H[,1:3]
aren't shown in the rendered vignette (because the code is in a echo = FALSE
and/or eval = FALSE
chunk) and only their output is shown.table1
and table2
in the vignette as a data.frame and then use knitr::kable()
to create a nicely rendered table.suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(MutationalPatterns))
in the vignette to avoid the verbose output.Looking briefly at the code, I think you would remove all but the call to extractWH_par()
from and replace with
res <- bplapply(seq_len(n), function(i, input, op, mat, a, b) {
extractWH_seq_C(input, op, mat[a[i]:b[i], , drop=FALSE])
}, input, op, mat, a, b)
and op$n.type
would be replaced by either SnowParam()
or MulticoreParam()
, or maybe default to bpparam()
(which chooses MulticoreParam (forked) on non-Windows, SnowParam (socket) on Windows).
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to trigger a new build.
A quick tutorial for setting up remotes and pushing to upstream can be found here.
Hi Pete and Martin,
Thank you for your feedback and code. Below are the changes made to your points above.
Required Please limit use of unevaluated code chunks in vignette where feasible. Ideally, all chunks (except installation) in the vignette would be evaluated (perhaps using fewer iterations or a smaller subset of data) but I appreciate that it may be challenging to make an example for the vignette that can complete within the time limits of Bioconductor's build system. If you judge it infeasible to shorten the running time of the examples, then please double-check all unevaluated chunks give the expected output. I strongly recommend that you make these checks automatic (rather than doing them by hand) by including them as 'long tests' (see This will ensure that the code is regularly checked by the Bioconductor build machines but you could continue to load pre-computed results in the vignette to save time. The vignette has been modified to run all chunks instead of loading pre-computed results.
The chunk containing Extract <- suitorExtractWH(SimData, re$rank) does not take particularly long to run (40 seconds on my laptop). Please modify this section so that the code is evaluated rather than loading pre-computed results. Fixed
The vignette code in 'Running suitor() with the different option values' of the vignette contains an error. This chunk is not evaluated and hence this error isn't caught by the automatic checks. Please fix. Fixed
library(SUITOR) data(SimData) OP <- list(min.rank=5, max.rank=13, k.fold=5, n.seeds=50, get.summary=0) set.seed(123) re2 <- suitor(SimData, op=OP)
Please take a look through the rendered vignette to check the formatting matches your expectations. Here are some obvious issues I spotted with quick fixes: Fix section numbering in vignette; these should start at 1 not 0 (Use # for top-level headings, ## for second-level headings, etc). There is no need for manual numbering of section headings because Rmarkdown will autogenerate these once you use the correct syntax (this Rmarkdown cheatsheet may be useful, as too the linked documentation). Manual numbering is no longer done
Most Rmarkdown documents I've read use backticks for function names and arguments when writing Rmarkdown, e.g., suitor() and re$rank rather than bold (suitor()) or italic (suitor()). I would recommend following suit on this.
Backticks are now used for function and option names
Related, the formatting of the paragraph beginning with "By default, the suitor() function returns a list containing the estimate" is messed up. I think this is an unfortunate interaction of $ being used to denote LaTeX math mode as well as being valid R code. If you change from using bold (*) or italic () markdown syntax to using code (```) for the variables then this issue goes away.
The chunks that show the output of str(re), str(re2), re$rank, head(Extract$W), and Extract$H[,1:3] are unclear when reading the rendered vignette because the actual calls to str(re), str(re2), re$rank, head(Extract$W), and Extract$H[,1:3] aren't shown in the rendered vignette (because the code is in a echo = FALSE and/or eval = FALSE chunk) and only their output is shown.
For future reference, you could create table1 and table2 in the vignette as a data.frame and then use knitr::kable() to create a nicely rendered table.
knitr::kable() is now used to display tables
Recommended It is strongly recommend to keep the Bioconductor-hosted git repo ( in-sync with the GitHub-hosted git repo ( (please see for documentation on this topic).
They are now in sync
Consider using suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(MutationalPatterns)) in the vignette to avoid the verbose output. Changed
"I have looked at the BiocParallel package, but it is unclear how my code would change in order to use BiocParallel." @mtmorgan, author of BiocParallel may be able to point you in a helpful direction. From what I can tell, you're currently using foreach for parallelisation, along with some custom code to detect Windows (PSOCK) vs. non-Windows machines (FORK) machines. I think BiocParallel should be able to help simplify your code by taking away some of the 'bookkeeping', but I won't make use of BiocParallel a requirement for acceptance of SUITOR because it seems you've made some effort to ensure portability of the code across machines. I have tried implementing BiocParallel, but it is not working yet. The problem is that there are R functions that call C functions, and the C functions are not visible to the workers. I got around this problem by using the option .packages="SUITOR" in the foreach() call, but I have not found a solution using BiocParallel yet.
For BiocParallel this should 'just work'. For instance, Rsamtools::idxstatsBam()
calls C code, and
> fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools", mustWork=TRUE)
> bplapply(rep(fl, 2), idxstatsBam, BPPARAM = SnowParam(2))
seqnames seqlength mapped unmapped
1 * 0 0 0
2 seq1 1575 1482 19
3 seq2 1584 1789 17
seqnames seqlength mapped unmapped
1 * 0 0 0
2 seq1 1575 1482 19
3 seq2 1584 1789 17
shows that the C code is available on the workers.
If you create a branch in your git repository with your attempt at using BiocParallel, and a simple reproducible example then I would be happy to look at it.
Alternatively, if you are using the devel version (I guess you are, since this is a submitted package) you could use
bplapply(..., BPOPTIONS = bpotions(packages = "SUITOR"))
but this should not be necessary.
Thanks @wheelerb. SUITOR is almost ready for acceptance, there are just 2 things to address:
As I mentioned, Bioconductor 3.15 is currently being released ( and SUITOR will not be part of this release. However, once accepted, SUITOR will be available in the new devel version (Bioconductor 3.16) which will then form the next release (in roughly 6 months time).
Cheers, Pete
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A quick tutorial for setting up remotes and pushing to upstream can be found here.
Thank you Martin and Pete. The problem was that when I develop R packages, I often just source the R files and shared object file instead of loading the package. The SUITOR package now uses BiocParallel. The vignette was also updated. Sincerely, Bill
Thanks, Bill. I've got grant deadlines this week but I will take a look next week.
Cheers, Pete
but the user should be able to choose/control the parallel backend (that's one of the advantages of BiocParallel for a user). Instead, your functions that can make use of parallel processing should have a BPPARAM
argument that accepts a BiocParallelParam object. This BPPARAM
argument could be an element of the existing op
argument or a separate argument, depending on what you prefer. The default value of BPPARAM
should be bpparam()
(which will automatically invoke the user's preferred/registered parallelisation backend) or perhaps SerialParam()
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[x] I understand that a minimum requirement for package acceptance is to pass R CMD check and R CMD BiocCheck with no ERROR or WARNINGS. Passing these checks does not result in automatic acceptance. The package will then undergo a formal review and recommendations for acceptance regarding other Bioconductor standards will be addressed.
[x] My package addresses statistical or bioinformatic issues related to the analysis and comprehension of high throughput genomic data.
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