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(inactive) An R package for quantitative integration and analysis of multiple omics assays from heterogeneous samples #844

Closed subhadeep1024 closed 5 years ago

subhadeep1024 commented 5 years ago

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bioc-issue-bot commented 5 years ago

Hi @subhadeep1024

Thanks for submitting your package. We are taking a quick look at it and you will hear back from us soon.

The DESCRIPTION file for this package is:

Package: OMICsPCA
Type: Package
Title: An R package for quantitative integration and analysis of multiple omics assays from heterogeneous samples
Version: 0.99.0
Date: 16/07/2018
Author: Subhadeep Das [aut, cre],
        Dr. Sucheta Tripathy [ctb]
Maintainer: Subhadeep Das <>
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Suggests: knitr, RUnit, BiocGenerics
Description: OMICsPCA is an analysis pipeline designed to integrate multi OMICs experiments done on various subjects (e.g. Cell lines, individuals), treatments (e.g. disease/control) or time points and to analyse such integrated data from various various angles and perspectives. In it's core OMICsPCA uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to integrate multiomics experiments from various sources and thus has ability to over data insufficiency issues by using the ingegrated data as representatives. OMICsPCA can be used in various application including analysis of overall distribution of OMICs assays across various samples /individuals /time points; grouping assays by user-defined conditions; identification of source of variation, similarity/dissimilarity between assays, variables or individuals.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
biocViews:  MultipleComparison, PrincipalComponent, DataRepresentation, Workflow, Visualization, DimensionReduction, Clustering,  BiologicalQuestion, EpigeneticsWorkflow, Transcription, GeneticVariability, GUI,  BiomedicalInformatics, Epigenetics,  FunctionalGenomics, SingleCell 
Imports: HelloRanges, fpc, stats, pdftools, clusterProfiler,, methods, grDevices, utils,clValid, NbClust, cowplot, OMICsPCAdata, rmarkdown, kableExtra, rtracklayer, IRanges, GenomeInfoDb, reshape2, ggplot2, factoextra, rgl, corrplot, MASS, graphics, FactoMineR, PerformanceAnalytics, tidyr, data.table, cluster, magick
VignetteBuilder: knitr
LazyData: FALSE
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1

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bioc-issue-bot commented 5 years ago

This issue was deemed inappropriate for our issue tracker by a member of the Bioconductor team.

This issue tracker is intended only for packages which are being submitted for consideration by Bioconductor.

Any other use of the tracker is not approved. If you feel this designation is in error, please send us email and include the URL of this issue.

This issue will now be closed.