Bioconductor / GenomicDataCommons

Provide R access to the NCI Genomic Data Commons portal.
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bug in gdcdata? #82

Closed LiNk-NY closed 2 years ago

LiNk-NY commented 3 years ago

Hi Sean, @seandavi

I am getting an error in both release and devel using the gdcdata download function. Was there a change to the API with accessing legacy archive data? :thinking:

#> Loading required package: magrittr
#> Attaching package: 'GenomicDataCommons'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter

query <- files(legacy = TRUE) %>%
    filter( ~ cases.project.project_id == "TCGA-COAD" &
        data_category == "Gene expression" &
        data_type == "Exon quantification")

gdc_set_cache(directory = tempdir())
#> GDC Cache directory set to: /tmp/RtmpZy8SUZ
qu <- manifest(query)
qq <- gdcdata(qu$id[1:4])
#> Error: '{"data": {"hits": [], "pagination": {"sort": "", "page": 0, "total": 0, "size": 0, "from": 0, "count": 0, "pages": 0}}, "warnings": {}}' does not exist in current working directory ('/tmp/Rtmpepf3MV/reprex2b61675e2b76').

Created on 2020-09-14 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)


LiNk-NY commented 3 years ago

Hi Sean, @seandavi This may be related? The package is not passing on Linux:

The source package is not available:

This is the error from the build report:

> # and get the data, placing it into the gdc_cache() directory
> fpaths <- gdcdata(uuids, use_cached=TRUE)
Error in (function (uri, destination, overwrite, progress, token = NULL,  : 
  Unavailable For Legal Reasons (Internet draft) (HTTP 451).
Calls: gdcdata -> mapply -> <Anonymous> -> stop_for_status
Execution halted