Bioconductor / GenomicRanges

Representation and manipulation of genomic intervals
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Making it easier to convert from IGV coordinates #22

Open Roleren opened 5 years ago

Roleren commented 5 years ago

IGV gives coordiantes as this:


Would be nice if the GRanges string constructor would accept "," in the string.

Now this fails:

GRanges("chr5:37,614,351-37,614,537:+") #  <- There are commas in here 

#This works: 
GRanges(sub(pattern = "," , x = "chr5:37,614,351-37,614,537:+", replacement = ""))

Could this be implemented in bioc 3.9 or 3.10 ? So that copy from IGV coordinates is a 1-liner, instead of having to manually remove commas. Or is there a way this could harm the function ?