Bioconductor / HDF5Array

HDF5 backend for DelayedArray objects
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1.7.6 build error #5

Closed pati-ni closed 6 years ago

pati-ni commented 6 years ago

While trying to install HDF5Array I get this error:

Error in setMethod("path", "HDF5ArraySeed", function(object) object@filepath) : 
  no existing definition for function ‘path’

Should be noted that I got a very similar error with DelayedArray as well which was solved by installing the older version of DelayedArray 0.5.13 from the project's github repo

hpages commented 6 years ago

The path() generic was added to BiocGenerics 0.25.1. I just added this requirements to HDF5Array's DESCRIPTION file:

HDF5Array is a Bioconductor package. Please make sure to always install Bioconductor packages with biocLite(). See This will take care of keeping all your packages in sync (update them from time to time by calling biocLite() with no arguments). In particular avoid installing from GitHub as it will almost always lead to some packages not being in sync. Since HDF5Array 1.7.6 belongs to Bioconductor devel, you'll need the current R devel (R 3.5).

pati-ni commented 6 years ago

I see, so please update R dependency to 3.5. Thanks