Bioconductor / packagebuilder

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Can't install dependencies when running locally #21

Closed b-long closed 8 years ago

b-long commented 8 years ago

@dtenenba and I discovered the following problem in #18 . When running a build, a file will be created like "_workers/jobs/spbtest20151208152652/installDeps.log", containing the following error:

> ##
> ## install dependencies
> ##
> deps <- sub(" *\\((.*?)\\)", "", deps)  # strip version
> blacklist <- c(bootstrap_pkgs,
+                rownames(ip)[ip$Priority %in% "base"],
+                if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "multicore")
Error in ip$Priority : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Calls: %in% -> match
Execution halted
b-long commented 8 years ago

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