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digest emails still broken #103

Open lshep opened 8 months ago

lshep commented 8 months ago

reveals all emails that are signed up for digest see but also seems to be formatted strangely?

Here is a list of posts included in your digest: [http:///p/9157157/]Unable to annotate ExpressionSet object from hugene11st chip [http:///p/9157274/]Rsubread crashes Rstudio while alignment [http:///p/9157290/]From a DNAStringSet to a data.frame [http:///p/9157252/]collapseReplicates dimension error [http:///p/9156644/]FCS3.2 reading [http:///p/9157285/]limma models out of memory issue on Slurm HPC [http:///p/9156997/]limma: vooma mean-variance trend and data filtration [http:///p/9157280/]bioconductor emailing list [http:///p/9157264/]Function 'sexp_as_cholmod_sparse' doesn't exist in the package 'Matrix' [http:///p/9157273/]How to extract counts from a DESeq dataset ordered by a specific sample? [http:///p/9152331/]ageData (minfi pipeline) [http:///p/9152616/]Query regarding phyloseq object construct with QIIME output [http:///p/9157268/]Existence of Bioconductor versus Seurat Software Ecosystems Quantitative Comparison [http:///p/9157269/]Using Granges to find overlapping pairs at exactly 10kb distance

llrs commented 7 months ago

Not only that but users receive the email of all the people using a digest email (this was also reported in In addition the questions are mixed and not tailored to the subscriptions of the user.