BiodiversityOntologies / bco

Biological Collections Ontology
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Taxon as collection of organisms in BCO and PCO #121

Open nleguillarme opened 1 year ago

nleguillarme commented 1 year ago

As part of our ontology development process, the question of 'taxon as organism' or 'taxon as collection of organisms' has arisen:

ECOCORE adopted the first paradigm, while BCO and PCO provide both their own implementation of the second paradigm (with the classes 'Taxon' and 'taxon as collection of organisms' respectively).

We would like to shift from the first to the second paradigm in our ontology, but I am wondering whether we should use BCO or PCO implementation (I would lean towards PCO's). Do you plan to adopt PCO's 'taxon as collection of organisms' in BCO or is there a specific reason why you are sticking with DWC's 'Taxon' class?