BioinfoUNIBA / REDItools

REDItools are python scripts to investigate RNA editing at genomic scale.
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no error raise but get empty results #16

Open UronicAcid opened 2 years ago

UronicAcid commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm running example case using both RNA-seq and DNA-seq.

python /path/to/ \
-i  /path/to/rna.bam \
-j  /path/to/dna.bam \
-o  /path/to/my_output \
-f  /path/to/reference.fa

It returned:

Pysam version used: 0.19.0
Script time --> START: 23/06/2022 15:41:38
Analysis ID: 863990752
Analysis on 1 regions.
Started analysis on region: chr21:1-48129895
Job completed for region: chr21:1-48129895
Merging Tables.
Results saved on /gpfs/share/home/2101111835/tools/REDItools-1.2.1/testREDItools/my_output/DnaRna_863990752/outTable_863990752
Script time --> END: 23/06/2022 15:41:43

But I got empty output

(reditools) [2101111835@wm1-login01 ~/tools/REDItools-1.2.1]$cat /path/to/my_output/DnaRna_863990752/outTable_863990752
Region  Position    Reference   Strand  Coverage-q30    MeanQ   BaseCount[A,C,G,T]  AllSubs Frequency   gCoverage-q30   gMeanQ  gBaseCount[A,C,G,T] gAllSubs    gFrequency
UronicAcid commented 2 years ago

I'm using REDItools v1.2.1

zhoudongke commented 8 months ago

I'm using REDItools v1.2.1

excuse me?Have you solved this problem? I got a same empty result...

evchambers commented 6 months ago

Does the chromsome annotation in your reference file match your bams? Sometimes the 'chr' annotation at the start may not be there depending if the data is ensembl/UCSC