Upon successful completion of an assessment, a badgr "assertion" is created (this issues the badge to the user). However, the metadata is currently not customized for the user, so the public page for the assertion is not very useful / descriptive.
Minimally, we should include the link to the user's assessment repo as part of the "Evidence".
Ideally, we could include other metadata, such as the user's information (their name and possibly a link to their public profile on our platform, if we have public profiles yet).
We could also include statistics on how many people have completed this assessment successfully in the past (if we already have stats).
Upon successful completion of an assessment, a badgr "assertion" is created (this issues the badge to the user). However, the metadata is currently not customized for the user, so the public page for the assertion is not very useful / descriptive.
See an example here.
Minimally, we should include the link to the user's assessment repo as part of the "Evidence".
Ideally, we could include other metadata, such as the user's information (their name and possibly a link to their public profile on our platform, if we have public profiles yet).
We could also include statistics on how many people have completed this assessment successfully in the past (if we already have stats).