BioinformaticsFMRP / TCGAbiolinks

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simpleWarning in file.create(to[okay]) #539

Open RunzhiZ opened 1 year ago

RunzhiZ commented 1 year ago


I follow the tutorial and run the codes below:

query <- GDCquery(
  project = "TCGA-GBM",
  data.category = "Protein expression",
  legacy = TRUE, 
  barcode = c("TCGA-OX-A56R-01A-21-A44T-20","TCGA-08-0357-01A-21-1898-20")

But I got the error: <simpleWarning in file.create(to[okay]): cannot create file 'GDCdata/TCGA-GBM/legacy/Protein_expression/Protein_expression_quantification/16426b31-344c-4523-ba1f-8a83bff81dcd/mdanderson.org_GBM.MDA_RPPA_Core.protein_expression.Level_3.F4E96626-904E-482F-BA28-4842696437E6.txt', reason 'No such file or directory'>

I have also followed the solution posted in the tutorial: image But it didn't work. I think this error is due to the path length limit of windows. I have googled and tried different ways to remove this limit in WINDOWS, but it didn't work for my R.

Can anyone help with this? Thanks!

tiagochst commented 1 year ago

@RunzhiZ What is the windows version?

RunzhiZ commented 1 year ago

@RunzhiZ What is the windows version?

Hi Tiago,

Please find the information below. image


RunzhiZ commented 1 year ago

@RunzhiZ What is the windows version?

And also, my R and Rstudio are the most recent version.