BioinformaticsFMRP / TCGAbiolinks

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Want to add Site of resection or biopsy in the category Metastatic #588

Open Pravithaks opened 1 year ago

Pravithaks commented 1 year ago

colData(crc_processed)$category = ifelse(colData(crc_processed)$tissue_or_organ_of_origin %in% c("Sigmoid colon", "Appendix", "Colon, NOS", "Overlapping lesion of colon", "Descending colon", "Splenic flexure of colon", "Transverse colon", "Hepatic flexure of colon", "Ascending colon", "Cecum"),"Primary Tumor", ifelse(colData(crc_processed)$Site_Of_Resection_Or_Biopsy %in% c("Liver", "Lung, NOS", "Peritoneum, NOS", "Specified Parts of Peritoneum"), "Metastatic ", NA )) This is my code. But when I tried to plot heatmap. its doesn't show the biopsy part.

please help