BioinformaticsFMRP / TCGAbiolinks

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Cannot connect to ExperimentHub server #601

Open bailey28 opened 1 year ago

bailey28 commented 1 year ago

GDCdownload( query = query.met, files.per.chunk = 20, directory = "case3/GDCdata" ) acc.met <- GDCprepare( query = query.met, save = FALSE, directory = "case3/GDCdata", )

Creating a SummarizedExperiment from DNA methylation input Accessing DNAm annotation from sesame package for: hg38 - HM450 Cannot connect to ExperimentHub server, using 'localHub=TRUE' instead Using 'localHub=TRUE' If offline, please also see BiocManager vignette section on offline use Error in .updateHubDB(hub_bfc, .class, url, proxy, localHub) : Invalid Cache: sqlite file Hub has not been added to cache Run again with 'localHub=FALSE'