BioinformaticsFMRP / TCGAbiolinks

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Problem for merging two summarizedExperiments objects #608

Open NicoTaj opened 8 months ago

NicoTaj commented 8 months ago

Dear Colleagues, I'm currently following the TCGA Workflow published on as is.

Everything works fine until I try to merge exp_gbm and exp_lgg summarizedExperiment objects via the code:

exp_gbm_lgg <- SummarizedExperiment::cbind( exp_lgg, exp_gbm )

The error returned is : Error in .aggregate_and_align_all_colnames(all_colnames, strict.colnames = strict.colnames) : the DFrame objects to combine must have the same column names

I understand the problem (the column names are not the same in gbm_exp and lgg_exp) but I can't find an easy way to solve it.

Can you help me ?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
