BioinformaticsFMRP / TCGAbiolinks

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GDCprepare() error: 'I couldn't find all the files from the query. Please check if the directory parameter is right or `GDCdownload` downloaded the samples' #633

Open maronem opened 6 days ago

maronem commented 6 days ago


I am having an issue preparing mutation and proteomics data from the TCGA-READ and COAD projects. I have used this same method for gene expression data which worked fine but for these queries and others using the same method I am running into this error each time.

Example query: tcga_prot_query <- GDCquery(project = c('TCGA-READ', 'TCGA-COAD'), data.category = 'Proteome Profiling', data.type = 'Protein Expression Quantification')

tcga_prot_output <- getResults(tcga_prot_query) tcga_prot_prep <- GDCprepare(tcga_prot_query, summarizedExperiment = TRUE)


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Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 10 05 28 AM

Thank you in advance for the help!