BioinformaticsToolsmith / Identity

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test mesh killed #13

Open omarkr8 opened 1 year ago

omarkr8 commented 1 year ago

not sure where to troubleshoot.

the Identity test worked fine. the mesh test crashed.

_ Database file: 97_shuffled.fa Output file: output2.txt Cores: 2 Provided threshold: 0.97 Block size for all vs. all: 25000 Block size for reading sequences: 100000 Number of data passes: 10 Can assign all: No

Average: 289 K: 4 Histogram size: 256 A histogram entry is 16 bits. Generating data. Preparing data ... Positive examples: 10000 Training size: 5000 Validation size: 5000 Better performance of: 0.00178729 jeffrey_divergence Better performance of: 0.00169123 jeffrey_divergence simMM Better performance of: 0.00165223 jeffrey_divergence sim_ratio simMM Better performance of: 0.00157806 chi_squared jeffrey_divergence sim_ratio simMM squared_chord^2 x hellinger^2 Better performance of: 0.00154754 chi_squared jeffrey_divergence sim_ratio simMM bray_curtis x hellinger^2 squared_chord^2 x hellinger^2 Better performance of: 0.00151275 chi_squared bray_curtis jeffrey_divergence sim_ratio simMM bray_curtis x hellinger^2 covariance_r x simMM^2 squared_chord^2 x hellinger^2 Better performance of: 0.00147395 chi_squared bray_curtis jeffrey_divergence sim_ratio simMM bray_curtis x jeffrey_divergence bray_curtis x hellinger^2 covariance_r x simMM^2 chi_squared^2 x squared_chord^2 squared_chord^2 x hellinger^2 Selected statistics: chi_squared bray_curtis jeffrey_divergence sim_ratio simMM bray_curtis x jeffrey_divergence bray_curtis x hellinger^2 covariance_r x simMM^2 chi_squared^2 x squared_chord^2 squared_chord^2 x hellinger^2 Finished training. MAE: 0.0217444 MSE: 0.00147395 Optimizing ... Validating ... MAE: 0.0292413 MSE: 0.00208381

Clustering ...

Data run 1 ... Killed_

why would the test fail? could i be lacking some dependencies?

omarkr8 commented 1 year ago

tried again with the Identity test fa (keratin_small), and it worked. so something about the test fasta suggested for the mesh tutorial wasnt compatible with my setup?

will try with my own data. perhaps it was data size?

hani-girgis commented 1 year ago


To make sure I understand the issue, you cannot cluster 97_shuffled.fa using MeShClust v3.0, correct?


omarkr8 commented 1 year ago

correct. I was able to run it using the keratin file, and I am able to run on my own data. but when attempting cluster_97, it kills the process as above