JvB: For the Save to Basket function, will this allow a form to be saved with some parts of the form incomplete, i.e. does it need to bypass validation for required fields? Or, is it just the same as saving the form with all validation applied, but flagging the form up as unfinished so it doesn't appear on public reports yet, allowing you to browse a list of unfinished forms to edit at a later date? The latter is fairly simple but the former is more complex.
DBR: The simpler option is needed. same as saving the form with all validation applied, but flagging the form up as unfinished so it doesn't appear on public reports yet, allowing you to browse a list of unfinished forms to edit at a later date?
This does raise a question about how a user finds this 'sample' form again. Does it raise the need for the ability to explore samples?
JvB: Agreed. There would need to be a list of unfinished forms available for you to browse
DBR: I think it is essential to have a way for users to browse their 'unfinished forms'.
sacrevert: I agree with all the above. I note that @japonicus might need to make changes to his DDb sync so that forms flagged as unfinished are not synced.
Separating out this issue from #21
Nested in #3