BiologicalRecordsCentre / UKBMS-online

Issue tracking for UKBMS online recording site
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Data Entry Options not working #356

Closed IanMiddlebrook closed 3 hours ago

IanMiddlebrook commented 1 week ago

Hi @DavidRoy @Gary-van-Breda

On the Data Entry page - the second page where you enter the counts - it seems that none of the option buttons are working.

The page loads with the default species list (Species Known at this Site), but clicking on any of the other options - either different taxa or different butterfly species list is having no effect.

Also, the search box for new species is not functioning.

This means it's currently not possible for recorders to enter moth records or enter counts for new species.

Thanks, Ian

Gary-van-Breda commented 1 week ago

It would appear that the Bootstrap theme was updated today. Following this, the page is raising a javascript error when trying to access the table sticky header functionality (which displays the species table header including the species autocomplete when scrolled out of view). I am investigating how to fix this. FYI @BirenRathod

Gary-van-Breda commented 1 week ago

Actually, in Drupal 10.3.0 (also updated today) the tableheader functionality was changed from JS to CSS based. This means that 1) I will have to rewrite some of this code. 2) The contrib Bootstrap 3.31 theme (and hence the UKBMS custom theme built on top of it) is not strictly compatible with Drupal 10.3.0, as it too relies on tableheader being JS.

FYI @BirenRathod

Gary-van-Breda commented 1 week ago

@IanMiddlebrook In the mean time, I have changed the form config to move the species autocomplete to under the relevant grids: this should allow entry of new species and all the other controls/options should work.

BirenRathod commented 1 week ago

@Gary-van-Breda @johnvanbreda has made some changes, so these control/options should work. I'm at present in the process of releasing the code, so should not take long.

BirenRathod commented 1 week ago

@IanMiddlebrook I updated the code, can you check all is working as expected, please?

BirenRathod commented 1 week ago

@Gary-van-Breda There is a deprecated function error generated consistantly. If you can resolve that would be appreciated. See this log ->

andrewvanbreda commented 1 week ago

@BirenRathod @DavidRoy I have just checked the UKBMS data entry form due to the raising of and it is reacting OK unlike EBMS. This is just a simple test to make sure the Javascript is reacting, obviously wait for Ian's own comment, but that is my observation.

andrewvanbreda commented 1 week ago

Be aware that Gary has mentioned he put in a workaround for EBMS and UKBMS as part of I am not sure if this might be the reason UKBMS was OK for me, as I may have tested after he did that. Either way it should be working OK.

Gary-van-Breda-EdiUni commented 1 week ago

@andrewvanbreda : yes it is the reason. I'll apply the changes to both UKBMS and EBMS (they use the same form) before switching the config back over on both sites.

IanMiddlebrook commented 1 week ago

Appears to be working OK for me now - though, following the posts above, not sure which version is currently live.

Thanks, Ian

BirenRathod commented 1 week ago

@IanMiddlebrook it is on latest version.

Gary-van-Breda commented 1 week ago

Proper fix (as opposed to work around above) deployed to Live. Now uses CSS based sticky headers. Form has been reconfigured back so that the species autocomplete is now above the species grid, as it was up to yesterday. @IanMiddlebrook : if you are happy, this can now be closed.

FYI @andrewvanbreda : I'm just about to implement the same change on EBMS.

IanMiddlebrook commented 1 week ago

Thanks @Gary-van-Breda All looks to be working well again.

Thanks for quick response, Ian

IanMiddlebrook commented 1 week ago

Hi @Gary-van-Breda Sorry to re-open this one. I have a recorder who insists he is still unable to enter his moth data. He is using Microsoft Edge (as am I). He has rebooted his computer. I've masqueraded as him, and been able to bring up the moth list.

Is there any obvious reason why he might still be having a problem?

Robin Griffiths - Indicia Warehouse User ID 97048

Thanks, Ian

Gary-van-Breda commented 1 week ago

@IanMiddlebrook The most likely reason is that his browser has cached an old file version. If possible, he should clear his browser cache.

IanMiddlebrook commented 1 week ago

Thanks @Gary-van-Breda
I made a couple of suggestions and all is resolved.

IanMiddlebrook commented 4 days ago

Hi @Gary-van-Breda Sorry to re-open this one again.

We have one user whose problems seem to be a continuation of this problem from last week, although he has only come across it this week. He is unable to add new species, and the moths etc buttons are not working.

Ken Orpe - Username: butterflyken Indicia warehouse ID: 76159 UKBMS QUERY

He is using an Acer Desktop PC with Windows 10. He has tried clearing the cache and refreshing the page - but still no change.

He is happy for someone to get access to his computer via Team Viewer if necessary.

Is there anything that can be done to help?

Many thanks, Ian

Gary-van-Breda commented 2 days ago

The fact that the species box is small means that there has been a Javascript error somewhere (the autocomplete setup has failed), also backed up by the presence of the Top link.

I take it he has tried clearing their browser cache?

I have reset the caches on the server, and set the JS aggregation on: could they try again?

IanMiddlebrook commented 3 hours ago

Many thanks @Gary-van-Breda

Whether it was what you did, or what Ken did, I've no idea, but I had a message from him on Saturday to say that he'd cleared his cache from the last month rather than the last week, and the problem has resolved.

Thanks again, Ian