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Images of wrong taxa on species details page for Ludwigia peploides #1727

Open Sam-Amy opened 2 weeks ago

Sam-Amy commented 2 weeks ago

Note this species doesn't show on the explore page, I guess because it is an INNS (is that right @StephRorke ?), though I can see there is one unverified record with a verification filter for all species. Hence there should probably be no photos shown on the species details page (clicked to from that unverified record) though it is actually displaying photos of Didemnum vexillum (sea vomit).

sacrevert commented 2 weeks ago

All the details are wrong here by the look of it (map, annual and monthly temporal distributions). Presumably there is some database join gone awry here or something @johnvanbreda ?

Not really sure what is going on here taxonomically either, as the warehouse UI has some odd results. For example, two versons of L. grand. hexa. but no valid instance of L. peploides:

And then L. peploides synonimised with one of these L. grand. hexa. instances:

UKSI has this confusion too, which may explain some of the indicia problems, e.g.

I don't understand why this is wrong post BSBI-reconciliation, as seems right in DDb. @japonicus, any thoughts?

japonicus commented 2 weeks ago

The BSBI-UKSI reconciliation hasn't gone through yet, we're still waiting for Chris to assimilate the changes. Hopefully that should fix problems of this sort.

sacrevert commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @japonicus, sorry, didn't appreciate that. If @johnvanbreda thinks that this will be solved by sorting the taxonomy, then I suppose this could be closed

japonicus commented 2 weeks ago

I'd missed Sam's initial post, I don't think the UKSI synonymy problems account for the mismatched iRecord images - something else odd is going on apart from the UKSI confusion.

johnvanbreda commented 2 weeks ago

The problem here (as well as any taxonomic issues) is that the taxon_meaning_id parameter points to a taxon on the GBNSSIP Non-natives list and this list does not have any taxon version keys for the names. The system relies on the taxon version key to map across lists to find the record to include, but mistakenly includes all records when the taxon version key is empty. So there is indeed a bug here as the page should really show no records - though in order to work correctly the GBNNSIP list really ought to have TVKs added where possible.