BiologicalRecordsCentre / sparta

Species Presence/Absence R Trends Analyses
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Add records/year rug to OccDet plots #178

Open AugustT opened 4 years ago

AugustT commented 4 years ago

Add Marks cool rug to the plots. This needs us to update the plot.OccDet method and output the number of records per year in the OccDet object

AugustT commented 3 years ago

@mlogie it would be good to get this in some time. can you share the code with me?

AJacksonMCS commented 3 years ago

Tom, I've hacked together a way to do this in combination with a facet_grid, but it is very long-winded, clumsy and specific to my dataset (very much not generic). I've also added alpha transparency to the rug, based on the number of records/yr which gives an indication of temporal variation in sampling effort (over and above indicating years without records), which I think is quite effective. If this sort of thing could be built in (by a proper coder!) to plot.OccDet, that would be brilliant.

AugustT commented 3 years ago

@mlogie did you not do this as Well? Can you share your code here?

mlogie commented 3 years ago

@AugustT I did on a project, but it was a one-off. I'll dig out my code and see how easily I can integrate it into one of the plotting functions

AugustT commented 3 years ago

ThAnks Mark, as a minimum if you could paste your code in a comment here I think that would help @mlogie